This will be a “living document” and will be updated as the time for the event draws closer.
July 28, 2019 – 9am to 3pm
Gallifreyan Farm
We’re super pleased to be taking part in the state-wide Open Farm Day.
We will add more information as it comes in, but wanted you all to have the chance to clear your schedules and come hang out with us!
We have a few things already planned for this year, as well as some (hopefully) exciting additions. Over 200(!) people visited our OFD last year, and we’re hoping to bring even more out this year.
Our goal is to provide a fantastic day of community and camaraderie. We’ve already reached out to a few people to help us make this day an amazing success, and we have a whole list of other great folks to invite to join us.
If you are a vendor (we don’t care if you’re a “competitor” or not), activities coordinator, musician, or just want to volunteer to help out, please get in touch with us.
Even though OFD isn’t until the end of July, that time is going to QUICKLY pass, so getting a jump on it now would be a Good Thing™.
…more to come…